weekend of fun

Me and dev had a really fun weekend, so I guess that's something to blog about.

First, some of our friends came over Friday night. We made fondue and other treats, and then played games. I love being with these girls. We were all roommates together at BYU Idaho. It's good that our husbands get along, becuase I think we'll be friends for a long time!

Then on Saturday morning we went to Devin's Elders Quorum basketball game, and after that, we played tennis outside because it was such a warm day! He might be mad at me for posting this, but I felt good after I beat him.

And we also played lots of Wii tennis. My arm is sore from playing too much wii. What a fun weekend.
I also wanted to post some pictures from when we went to Oregon for the open house a few weeks ago. We had fun with Devin's family and wish we could visit more often.

This is Devin's sister, Brenda, making some delicious treats!


Clark and Katie said...

It was a fun weekend! What a dedicated blogger you are! We are sorry we couldn't come play tennis, my family wanted to go play croquet! We wished we lived closer!

She Loves To Make said...

You guys are too cute! How fun that you got to spend a night with your old roommates!
The picture of the house is beautiful!!! I want to live there!

Carlee Ann said...

What fun! I'm jealous you all got together! :)

Debi said...

How come you didn't invite us to Oregon? did you guys get a wii?

Tarisa said...

Good times! Thanks for being such a great hostess! It was a blast.

lindsi said...

Did you guys get a Wii??? If you did then we better be receiving an invite soon to come and play!!! Glad to see pictures from the open house, I was wondering when you would post some. Sad we couldn't go up to Oregon and be there with you.

lindsi said...

Tell Katie that I want an invite to her blog!

Debi said...

me too.

Clark and Katie said...

Kate...will you sent me Lindsi and Debi's email addresses and I'll invite them? Thanks sparkle.