
Lincoln Richard Barlow

Born on March 25th, 2011

6 pounds 12 ounces, 18 inches long

We love him more than we could ever imagine and can't believe how perfect he is. It has been an overwhelming week, but we are grateful for everything we've experienced. The Spirit has filled our home. We feel like this little baby was meant for great things. We hope we can be the kind of parents he needs in order to do all that he was sent to do.

Baby Lincoln, we love you and are glad you are finally here.

Lincoln was jaundiced and had to spend the first few days at home under bili lights. We are glad to be done with them.


Jessica Leigh said...

So dang cute! Torie and I want to come visit so we can meet him! Love you guys!

She Loves The Color Pink said...

Oh Katie, he is so handsome! Congratulations! I love the paint in his room :)

She Loves The Color Pink said...

Kati* not katie :)

Brandon and Vanessa said...

Congrats! Hey is your husband related to Austin Barlow by chance? jw. wb

Clark and Katie said...

He is perfect Kate, I can't wait to meet him. Hope you're surviving the first couple weeks, I don't remember much about them, they are such a blur!

Dax and Jen said...

Congratulations!! I'm sure you two will be great parents. Don't stress about doing anything for awhile, SLEEP while your baby sleeps! He's adorable.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! You put more pictures up! I am glad to hear everything went well. I think he looks just like you Kati! I need to come see him! Congrats again!

audrey said...

Oh my goodness Kati, he is perfect! I'm so happy for you!! And I love his name! I hope you're surviving recovery...just be patient and give yourself plenty of time and rest. Congrats!

Tarisa said...

So happy for you and Devin G. It just is the coolest thing ever. Lincoln is a handsome boy!

lindsi said...

He is too dang cute! I want to come over and help sometime this week...maybe you can even take a nap!!! Yay, for naps!

Hawaii Monkeys said...

Congrats you two! I love the name and he is so adorable! So cute to see you guys as parents!! :)

Jessica said...

Oh Kate!

Congrats and I am so glad all is well. he is absolutely beautiful. I love his name! it is distinguished and cute ate the same time. good luck and all those good things!